About Us

UltrasoundTrainingModels.com was founded to meet the growing need for veterinary ultrasound training based on current research in the field of veterinary ultrasound training and ultrasound training simulators. All products are evidence based and have been proven to be effective ultrasound training simulators. We are continually updating and improving them based on research developments and feedback from veterinarians, students, and other end users.

To date, the research behind UltrasoundTrainingModels.com products has been published in the Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, and presented at numerous scientific conferences, including the American College of Veterinary Radiology Annual Scientific Meeting (2022 & 2023), and the Ontario Veterinary College Graduate Research Symposium (2022).

In 2024, the Ontario Veterinary College recruited UltrasoundTrainingModels.com to outfit their new ultrasound training program with our new, state of the art, research backed ultrasound training simulators. The TUBES and SHAPES Complete Training Solutions are currently in use by over 400 students in the OVC Curriculum.

Check out our research now at https://jvme.utpjournals.press/doi/10.3138/jvme-2023-0113. Additional studies pending publication.